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Thursday, April 29, 2010

The End

There are so many "the ends" going on right now and I'm beginning to have trouble processing it. First and foremost, as many of you know, I am graduating Saturday along with my brother! I do enjoy being able to say that I am graduating the same as my 4 years older brother...but that's besides the point :0). It is actually really special to me that we get to share this day together! We'll get to that later. Firstly, Saturday marks the end of my college career as an undergraduate. I haven't decided yet if I want to get my masters, but if I do it will not be right away ( I know many are saying, "don't do it! start right away!" but, I've made up my mind about that part. I have worked very hard in my studies and I would like to get a few years of teaching under my belt. I achieved my goal I set for myself four years ago by graduating with a 4.0 Summa Cum Laude! Exciting! I feel very accomplished and thankful that God gave me the patience and endurance to reach that goal. God gave me a brain and helped me use it!

Back to my brother. This marks the end of living in the same city as Jeff, Sarah, Coling, and soon to be here Carley. I am so sad about this! I have only spend one year away from them and that was when I went to Texas Tech my freshman year and Jeff and I unknowingly decided to transfer to ETBU the same semester. It has been so much fun and such a blessing to have friends (family as well) like them here with us every step of the way! I am going to miss them so much! No longer will I just walk in their house like it's my own...we'll have to drive 2.5 hours then walk in. Hopefully, they will realize that God really ACTUALLY wants them to go back to the Metroplex :0)!

This also marks the end of our service with the youth group at Crossroads. We have been a part of the student ministry for so long now and we have seen our students grow in maturity, spiritual maturity, and had so much fun along the way with them. This Sunday will be our last Sunday at Crossroads. I will not longer play bass for the church or teach small groups in the youth group. This makes me so sad. I love those kids so much! I love Crossroads so much and I pray that God leads us to a church as thriving and encouraging as this one. Our official last day with the youth is two weeks from yesterday and I can't say I 'm looking forward to it. Too many goodbyes and sadness.

Another end is the end of our first apartment together. Tim and I will be parting with married housing 707 E on May 15. It has been a great little apartment for us as our first place and our neighbors have been wonderful! It will be sad to leave behind our first apartment...but it will also be exciting to move on...even though I get in moods that I feel like I'm not ready to move on. Let's just say I'm a sappy wreck lately going from extreme excitement to extreme sadness, good grief!

Tim and I are still on the job hunt. We will both be working at Camp Thurman as counselors for June and July and will be praying for doors to open up for us for our actual careers. I am praying that God will open doors before June and July so I don't have to worry about work and interviews pray for us please! AND, if you have any tips for teaching jobs in the metroplex let me know!

Onward Ho to real life!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ready to slow down!

Being a senior education major who graduates in 23 days has its pros and cons! Obviously, the biggest pro is that I am ALMOST done! Who knew the light at the end of the tunnel would actually fully emerge! I am definitely ready. I am not, however, ready to leave our friends here at ETBU. Life will be different without them!

A con of being a senior education major about to graduate is the frenzy that accompanies it. Tonight was our rest night on p90x...I was so excited! Yet, I am reminded that it was in fact not restful as we just got home at 9:05 pm. We firstly went to my Education banquet. There, I won the Delores Neally Spruell Award...they explained it as was I was nominated unanimously by the education faculty as the elementary teacher most likely to succeed. The reason there is a name on the certificate is because there is a $100 reward for my efforts! Our dean said some very nice and flattering things about my GPA, my teaching, and my attitude and I am so encouraged! After the banquet, we took Sarah a cake for her birthday! Then we headed to the Alpha Chi honors fraternity induction. We had our yearbook picture for the year and then we headed to a forum on spiritual warefare. It was very interesting...but only so much can be discussed in a 60 minute block.

So, here I sit updating my blog instead of getting to bed on time. This weekend is our macho man/girls rule weekend! It's a weekend aimed at purity and modesty for our students! We are so excited about this event! It is going to be a great weekend for our students and us, too! Also, Saturday morning I am going to have a dog for the morning and parade him around for someone to adopt him! SO EXCITED!

I have job fairs and applications out of my ears! Please pray that God would reveal his plan for us so we can know where to have a home!