
 BabyFruit Ticker

Monday, February 9, 2009

It's about time

My Granny and Papa say I don't update my blog enough...which is true.

I really don't know where to start. Classes are going pretty well. I am doing well, however, I am busy basically all the time. My days are completely full of classes and work. My internship at the school is going great, and I am feeling confident that I will be able to be a great teacher. I know the first year will be hard, but I feel very natural and comfortable when I am in the classroom.

Last weekend, Tim and I were leaders at a Disciple Now in Tatum. I had a great time leading the high school girls. We had good discussion, fun getting to know each other, and had some adventures along the way. I am getting so re-energized and ready to have our own ministry again. In the meantime, we have been helping at Crossroads with Jeff and Sarah. I am extremely excited because I am going to start leading the high school girls on Wednesday nights. It feels so good to be used again!

This weekend, we are going to a marriage conference for Valentine's Day. I am excited! Instead of spending $50 on flowers, chocolates, dinner, overpriced everything...we are going to learn how to strengthen our marriage in Christ! I'm pretty sure that outweighs $20 roses! We will be with almost 50 other couples from our church and I think it's going to be really good.

We are going to Arlingfun next weekend for my birthday. I am getting my hair highlighted by Sharon! I feel like I need a change, and I thought this would be a fun way to do it! I haven't died my hair in a long time!

Tim is outside shaving his head, and he is about to need my help, so I am signing off because I am rambling.


Sarah said...

so i guess tim really was serious about shaving! colin won't recognize his favorite person. how sad. will be a great teacher, because you are honestly just a natural leader. i am just as excited as you are to be helping with our youth group. you are greatness and i love you LOTS. and yall need to come over this week.

Mary said...

You should have shaved a great big "M" for me in his head for me!!! I'm so excited about you guys doing youth ministry again, and can't wait till the day when you two can lead your own together too!! I had a lot of fun with you this weekend, but we NEVER get to spend any one on one time together any more. You married into my family, and so now they think when you come visit, they have dibs on your time too. The audacity. I know it's far away, but sometime during the summer, you and Tim should make a road trip and come visit us!! (You know you miss west Love you lots!!

Jeff Stapleton said...

RAAAACK...I have a blog now