
 BabyFruit Ticker

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I see I'm Not the Only One

I see I'm not the only one who is busy! We all seem to stink at updating these blogs lately.

Today I enjoyed a day off from classes! I usually have my internship at Crockett Elementary, but it was TAKS reading day and we aren't allowed in the I got to sleep in! My aerobics class is over, so I had nothing today but working out and work. It was nice. I'm at work right now and it's slowed down a lot, so I am enjoying a few minutes of down time.

I finished my literature review for my research paper! JOY! That is probably the hardest part of this big paper that I am writing and I am proud to say that I have 9 pages down...mean I'm about 1/3 of the way finished! Woohoo!

This weekend is Natalie and Charlie's wedding! I'm excited for them! Plus, that means we will get to go home and spend time with my family which is always awesome. Jeff and Sarah are staying at my parents house so we will just have a big party!

Life is busy right now, but it's good! Crossroad's Youth stuff is going great and Tim and I are having a blast working with the youth with Jeff and Sarah.

I wrote a Book called "Don't Go in Bubba's Room." When I was little, I told my sunday school teacher that one of the 10 commandments was "Don't Go in Bubba's Room." So, because we had to write a book that gets published into a real book, I wrote about that and had my Bubba, Jeff, do the illustrations! It is awesome! Jeff did a great job with the pictures and I can't wait to get it in book form!

I guess I will end here...and enjoy my sweet tarts :-)


Mary said...

I soooo want to see this book!!! lol. I miss your face and can't wait to hug you soon!!!! love you lots!