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Monday, April 27, 2009

Hooray for Tim!

Today is Tim's birthday! Happy Birthday to him! He has been such an amazing part of my life. He is a phenomenal husband. He is always so willing to help out around the house, he opens my doors, he will do anything asked of him because he is a selfless man with a great heart! I am so excited that 23 years ago today, he was born! If it weren't for that day, I have not idea where I would be right now and I don't care to know. I love him so much and I have been blessed to have been with him for almost 4 of those years. Happy Birthday Tim :0)

Finals are this week. I took one this morning which went pretty well. I had a terrible time focusing for some reason...but I got through it and hopefully it will be enough to get me an A! I have already turned in a take home final for my Children's Literature class and I have one more final to do for my Research and Practicum class. I finished my 28 page paper for that class and it feels amazing! All I have left besides that one final is work this week and so life is going pretty well right now.

Just an update for those of you who read my last post, I have been in the Word much more frequently. I admit that weekends I have slacked off, but weekdays I have done well! I read Ruth the other day because I had a dream I was supposed to. I realized how amazing of a husband I have to see some of the same qualities displayed by Boaz in Tim. Now, I am reading Romans. I must say my optimism has been way more prevalent thanks for the prayers!

Papa, Your birthday was two weeks ago and I was supposed to acknowledge that in my post and I got sidetracked by what I was typing. So, Happy Birthday Papa!!