
 BabyFruit Ticker

Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Story

Okay, so things are finally at a point where I can share all the major events that have been unfolding in our crazy lives! I guess listing and explaining will be the best way for this...

1.) We have successfully made our move to Spring!...kind of.On August 16 we packed up and headed out here to our new home. Unfortunately, our new home is at the Extended Stay Hotel in The Woodlands. Why are we in a hotel? We are in the process of buying a house. WOAH! Yes, you read that correctly, we have committed to buying a house and found the perfect one for us! We are waiting for the FHA loan to go through. Our closing date is supposed to be September 16, but as we all know (or not) these things take a while and can be iffy. I will post a picture of our cute new house when things are finalized. Luckily, because the housing market is terrible right now and there is so much competition in a bigger city area that is developing rapidly, we got an AWESOME price and an even more awesome fixed interest rate. WOOHOO! So, now we wait...and live in a little hotel room. We have a mini fridge, two burners, and a microwave. The hotel is pet friendly so Molly is here with us. It's cramped and the bed is SO uncomfortable...but it's temporary...we should be moving out in a few weeks!

2. I have a job! God opened a surprising and unlikely door and I am employed! August 8 I received a call at 5:30 pm asking if I had accepted a job anywhere. I told the lady no and she proceeded to tell me that she was the principal at Roth Elementary in Klein ISD and she wanted to interview me for Kindergarten! I was SO caught off guard because I have never even thought of teaching kinder since I've been in the schools. I went to the interview with an open heart and mind and laid everything out on the line about our current situation. The interview was awesome and they weren't scared away when I told them I was pregnant. They said they weren't sure if they needed me was dependent upon enrollment but they would inform me by Wed. or Thurs. of the next week. I got a call Monday saying they needed me! WOOHOO! My first gig would be Friday at Meet the Teacher night. However, since my paperwork had not gone through, I couldn't introduce myself as the teacher. The plan was to have me in the classroom as a "volunteer" for a week or two depending on the paperwork so I could set up the classroom and get acquainted with my kids. So, we rolled into Spring Friday at 3 and Meet the Teacher was at 4. It was unsettling because the parents were concerned that they hadn't met their child's teacher...and I totally understood that...I would feel the same way! It still went well, but I felt bad for the parents who were sending their babies to a question mark room. For some reason, apparently HR was working on a Sunday because my stuff went through Sunday evening and I got a call Sunday night saying I would be starting in the morning on the first day of school...AH! Needless to say, the past two weeks have been CRAZY not having any time to prepare for my kids. But, I survived, they have learned, and I am so blessed and happy with where I am at! I have so much technology in my classroom, I'm at an exemplary school, I make a very nice salary for a second year teacher, and my team is awesome! Now...let's just get to the reason this was a crazy God thing. I did not apply for this position. The principal got my resume from another school in the district that had decided to choose another candidate. She saw I had no kinder experience but thought something seemed right about my resume. So, although I didn't even apply, God dropped this in my lap. I am SO thankful and so happy with where I am! Klein is a district that is very difficult to get into! I even like kindergarten :) It's a lot of fun! Thanks,'re pretty awesome!

3)Our, our church is awesome! The congregation has totally pulled us in and has been taking care of us and loving us in so many ways! Little blessings are everywhere. The girls in our youth group have accepted me with open arms and we are building relationships everywhere! It's so exciting! (Could there be anymore exclamation marks??) We are so blessed and so excited :).

4) God's faithfulness...never failing. If we doubted God after how amazingly He has worked out our transition to Spring, we'd be idiots. His hand has been there every step of the way and he has just cleared any obstacle that has come our way. Now, I'm not saying being obedient is always easy, but God has really given us a sense of peace with how He has provided for and confirmed our call here...I've never had God move so much in my life!

5) The baby. The baby is GROWING. Geeze! My pants are all rubberbanded and I've moved from tshirts that are smalls to mediums because they are SO much more comfy :) Sorry, Tim...I've raided your stash! Another blessing for this pregnancy is that I have not been sick at all. If I didn't know I was pregnant...I could be on that show, "I Didn't Know I was Pregnant." I feel fine...normal...just wanting PIZZA all the time. Thank God for this!

6) Grad school. I am skyping my classes and hanging in there while life has been nuts! I'm still enjoying it...but I must say that I am ready for May to be here!

So, this year is definitely a MAJOR milestone in our marriage. Probably the biggest year we will ever have...we made the scary move for Tim's dream job, I have a new job, I will have my masters degree, we will have bought our first house, and we will have a baby all in the same year! WOW. What a fun time in our lives...sure life has been stressful at times and full of Chaos...but I wouldn't have it any other way...well...that's not true...I need to move my family down here with us...then I could confidently say I'd want to change NOTHING.

I miss you, family! I love you guys...but know God is SO good!

So, that's the crazy news in our lives...what a crazy God we serve! (In a good way) ha


Hannah said...

I LOVE all of this! SUCH encouraging words you've written when it sounds like y'all are in the midst of such chaos that you could use some encouragement at times! God is SO good, all the time! Thanks for the update :)

Sarah said...

I love this too. But I really stinking miss you.