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Wednesday, November 3, 2010

30 Days of Truth

Taylor and Sarah have dived into the thirty days of truth, so here I come, too! Maybe this will motivate me to blog? I read everyone else's blogs everyday...but I just haven't been motivated to soul search or here goes 30 days of truth!

Day 1: Something you hate about yourself.

The number one thing I have hated about myself since I was elementary school is my weight. However, over the years I have realized that it's not my weight I's my mindset! I hate that I don't see myself the way that God sees me....or anyone else sees me for that matter. My husband tells me everyday how beautiful he thinks I badly I'd love to believe him! I can remember back to before third grade struggling with seeing myself as beautiful. I hate it. I hate that it effects the way that I carry myself...I hate that it effects my relationship with my Creator and my husband.

I'm hoping day two is a happier truth!

Now that's out of the way...Halloween was exciting in our neck of the woods! Tim and I trecked out to our fall festival as bars of soap!
And I was also able to spend time with my ridiculously sweet nephew, Colin man who made a handsome Mario!

And how could we forget our sweet Molly Lou?? She, too, had a costume! We couldn't pass up the 50% off cow costume we found on Halloween at Petsmart. Sadly, no trick or treaters came by for her to show it off! But, I will give her some fame in the blog world! Meet Molly Moo!

Hopefully the next post will be sooner than later...


Mary said...

Molly :D You are way beautiful, Jenni! I love and miss you lots!! I sure could use a Tim and Jenni in Big Lake soon...haha! Can't wait! And look forward to hearing/reading your blog more!!!