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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Student Teaching

The past two days have been the most wonderful days of my education career! I began my student teaching at Spring Hill Intermediate School Tuesday. I was nervous because it was a new district so far away and I had no idea what my teacher would be like....not to mention I had no desire to teach fourth grade! Well, my teacher is absolutely AMAZING! She is so sweet and loving and SUCH a great teacher! Spring Hill is a wonderful district from what I can tell. I walked in and felt welcomed automatically. The kids are angels and my teacher picks what she gets to teach. I love it! I could so be a fourth grade teacher! It reminds me a lot of my elementary school. These two days are the first time in the past four years that I have felt completely confident in wanting to teach! Hallelujah! Spring Hill is much different than Marshall...but a good different! I have a feeling these first 8 weeks are going to fly by much faster than I would like them to. I emailed my professor begging him to let me stay for the second half, too since fourth grade is considered a lower and an upper grade. Anyways...just a quick update before I hit the hay! I am loving student teaching!


Mary said...

Yay!! I'm glad things turned out so well and this will be such a good experience for you! (God knew what He was

Taylor said...

You'll love it even more when you get paid for it!