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Sunday, January 3, 2010

Just some thoughts

Tomorrow is the official first day of getting back into my workout routine. This break has been glorious not thinking or worrying about working out seeing that it is not a favorite of mine. My little belly can vouch for that! But, it must be done. My goal is to lose at least six pounds in the next four months. I think it is doable, but it will be a challenge. I have been the same weight since high school...but maybe I can break that! I can see myself now moaning in anguish and hating myself for not running for two weeks....humorous for others I can imagine. Luckily for me, most people don't get back for another week so I will have the gym basically to maybe I won't make a fool of myself after least not in front of many people.

The last step of my education begins Tuesday. I will be student teaching in Spring Hill in a 4th grade reading class. I think I'm ready...well, maybe I will be ready if I can remember the teacher I am supposed to be with. Ha! I don't know that I ever got official documentation of my mentor teacher's name. Hm..I should look for that. But, it should be a great semester! It just doesn't feel real...I will definitely keep updating how that goes.

Have you seen the movie Julie and Julia?? It made me want to be a blogger for one and two I am hoping to be like Julia when I am old...without the annoying voice. Just saying.

To my family- Thank you for a wonderful holiday season of joy, relaxation, and full bellies!